lundi 18 août 2014

travel guide to Egypt

Welcome to Egypt! 

Mythical land of the Pharaohs and pyramids, home of the gods, Egypt is a great machine to travel back in time, we projecting to 6000 years in the past, the borders of our civilizations. 

Modern Egypt has been able to fully exploit the archaeological windfall for tourism, and a tour of the pyramids on the Giza plateau or a cruise on the Nile have become classics. 

This is also a stroll along the Nile that we offer in this story, a journey from Luxor to the Sudanese border, the land of the Nubians. 

Point pyramids this time, however some equally notorious sites like: 

Karnak, the Valley Of The Kings, Aswan, Abu Simbel etc ...

Image de transports en Egypte photos de calèches photo Louxor
Much cheaper than a taxi - and more pleasant - the carriage used to dig into the streets of the city

Photos de Karnak en Egypte photo visite de Karnak guide touristique

Arnak is certainly one of the most fabulous sites of Ancient Egypt. 
Construction began here 4,000 years in the Old Kingdom and was completed after many transformations, 1600 years later in the Middle Kingdom!
Image du Sphinx images allée de Sphinx photos de Karnak en Egypte
The entrance is lined with an avenue of majestic Sphinx. 
Please note: the little statue of Ramses II between their legs.

Images Egypte site touristique de Louxor guide touristique en Egypte

near Karnak, other columns! 
We are here at the temple of Luxor, in the courtyard of Ramses II, another famous tourist attraction. 
For the record, the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde in Paris, comes from this temple.
Photos de la nécropole thébaine photo reportage Louxor en Egypte
Vis-à-vis Luxor, on the west bank of the Nile, the Theban Necropolis, with pyramidal mountains, home to some archaeological highlights, such as the famous Valley of the Kings.
Photos tombe pharaon Séthi II photo reportage images en Egypte
... but inside, breathtaking ornate galleries that can measure more than 100 meters, as here, that of Pharaoh Seti II.
Photos de Pharaons : photo du tombeau
At the end of the tunnel, and after a few lures, the sacred tomb of Pharaoh.
Photos du sarcophage Pharaon Thoutmosis III images guide en Egypte
But the most spectacular falls is certainly that of Thutmose III. 
Like a spaceship, its beautiful sarcophagus in red sandstone with rounded forms, has for thousands of years, under the starry sky ceiling of this burial chamber.
Photos temple de la reine Hatchepsout photo reportage à Thèbes Egypte
The mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut is the most spectacular of all the Theban necropolis.

Photos Assouan photo guide de tourisme à Assouan en Egypte

At the gates of Black Africa and Nubia, Aswan is located at the southern end of the navigable portion of the Nile.

Photo obélisque de Karnak photos obélisques images temples Egypte

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