lundi 18 août 2014

Tourism in Trabzon

Travel Tips to Trabzon :
Turkey, the land of nature and the beauty and the mating of different cultures, embracing many of the tourist destinations characteristic which is worth a visit, from the most important tourist areas, which began experiencing increasing demand of tourists from all over the world is the city of "Trabzon" located in the north-east of Turkey on the Black Sea coast, this city surrounded by numerous scenic representing a haven for fugitives from the hustle and bustle of life and researchers for a holiday in the lap of nature.

Diverse tourism activities in this region between trips to natural lakes and charming rural villages, and visit museums, castles and ancient churches, in addition to the simple pleasure of living in an area far from the eyes.

Identified with us on the most important things that can be you to use in your visit to the "Trabzon, what are the main attractions of this area? What are the best hotels and restaurants that impressed visitors? What distinguishes this region from other areas? Make this information guide you in journey coming to Turkey.

Lake "Oznjul":
Of the most beautiful places to visit in the region of Trabzon, and the label means "lake long", away from the city of Trabzon approximately 90 km, which is a small lake formed hundreds of years ago surrounded by mountains in the superb view rarely see it, can take a tour around the lake on foot for half hours, and enjoy the scenery comfortable for the same sensation, where greenery and blue water witch, and can be accessed to this lake by bus available in abundance and comfortable, and the road itself is fun, as you will see the Black Sea coast extending most of the distance in view of the unique, and then turn the landscape into scenic mountains which in some areas covered with tea plantations, if you have time, stop at a little tea factories in the area for tea tasting homemade and which "modifies" mood.

Surrounds the lake, a small rural village, contain a number of cafes, restaurants and shops, and there are some restaurants overlooking the lake which offers good food, and turn this lake in the summer, especially in the month of June into a hotbed for fans of climbing and hiking in the woods, and can also take a tour on the boat in the lake, and there are many tours around the lake to see the landscapes and do Baltkhiem or climbing, and tickets can be purchased at a price of 35 rounds of the Turkish lira by bus company "Ulusoy" in "Ataturk Square" in Trabzon.

There in the lake many wooden huts that can be rented, and the region is experiencing the busiest in the month of June and so would prefer pre-booking, and despite the fact that this region tourist par excellence, but it suffers from a lack of good hotels available, we advise you with "Ansar al-motel" which has spectacular views and offers rooms and apartments agar for a starting price of $ 40.

Monastery "Soumila" or the Monastery of the Rock :
Away from the city of Trabzon nearly 30 km, and this place is one of the most places isolation and magnificence and beauty, you can take a taxi from Trabzon until monastery Soumila at a price of 20 Turkish lira, the road to the monastery so beautiful, as you will see towering mountains, springs and small streams that surround the place, upon arrival you will see a garden known as a garden "fig Deira" There is in this park a number of shops, cafes and restaurants with a wonderful view, and the view of the monastery Stnbehr primarily on a rocky hill far away, isolated and surrounded by mountains on all sides.

A close-up of the building of the valley

Rooms and cafes to the monastery before Dawning

Image of the valley which is supervised by the Rock Monastery

Staircase to the monastery

Channel arches and staircase of the monastery

Houses the rear of the main building

The monastery rock you're watching and you're on the other side like a part of the mountain is in this way from the top 
This is a wonder of wonders Majolh Turkey

Plaster and painted with the fees that Christian


A close-up of the valley which is supervised by the Rock Monastery

Of the most important can be seen in the monastery of the Rock is the "cave", which contains frescos colored so beautiful inside and out, in addition to the graphics on the ceiling and walls, and the entry of the sun to the place from the top of the cave turn graphics to scenes lit naturally in the atmosphere of calm and tranquility that give rise to meditation, is worth mentioning that photography is prohibited inside the cave, while you can take great landscape photographs outside the cave and around the monastery and in the surrounding area generally.

And certainly feel very hungry after walking and climbing in this place; advise you to visit the restaurant "Buick Soumila" to eat a delicious meal of fish with pickled peas, comfortable place, beautiful and cheap prices.

Shopping from another type :
Found in Trabzon many shops that can be shopping where normally, but what is unusual, is the industry's exclusive well-known in this region, which became famous all over the world, many of the visitors are special trips to the village, "Sormin" near Trabzon and famous boat building industry and knives, you can buy the finest handmade knives versus 5 or 10 Turkish lira, these knives, which we recommend you use for food purposes only!
It is also the exclusive industries in this region; "gold bracelets" handmade gold-threaded fitting manner with each other, the price of the bracelet ypg Nearly 1,000 or $ 1,500, and the industry is threatened with extinction due to the difficulty and lack of interest in them.

And do not forget tasting bread "Vacfhi large" who took renamed from the village famous Boukbzh which are also located near Trabzon, this bread is prepared in huge stone oven and a price Loaf 2 TL.

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