lundi 18 août 2014

Tourism in Langkawi, Malaysia

غروب ليلكي في لانكاوي

Langkawi, the Committee on the shores of a tropical
Not what distinguishes tourism in Langkawi, or what has earned the nickname "Jewel of the mandate of the slander," is its long history, spaces or civil nature of civilization and what you offer distinctive peaks of human evolution in technology or urbanization. You made the Malaysia and to your mind then you have such experiences in Kuala Lumpur or other urban cities that offer and constitute a modern Malaysia. Langkawi and not even the most important historical landmarks Malaysia, although there is a history and historical landmarks in Malaysia hardly tells the legends of Graúabiyat history in Southeast Asia. Despite the fact that Langkawi on the outskirts of the channel Malacca, which constitute one of the most important Alguenalat International Maritime and despite a correlation of this Channel and the Kingdom of Malacca on Malaysia Islamic and development of the cultural and economic, but that all this is not what makes Langkawi attractive destination for tourism in Malaysia.
But what distinguishes Langkawi and makes travel destination of the property, the uniqueness and the fun, there are few places globally that can match them by, in particular, is free from all of this Alrhb civilization and fullness Bbdaúah Tropical Islands Betula in South-East Asia for flooding, including from stunning views to meet for mountains the lush green tropical forest oily beaches charming rainbow colors of the very special blue, cyan, turquoise and lime green. These areas contain the beauty and splendor of nature more than all the human civilization. Suffice it to Chhdoa colors of the sunset and sunrise in such islands in order to feel in awe of the universe and the miracle of nature scenery. It seems sometimes that the sunset and sunrise in Langkawi, when reciting the world around you shades of colors Allilkih impressive, namely the experience can be obtained there just is not unprecedented in the world, not to mention the beaches of the Virgin and Livestock and Fisheries exciting, and this is added to Raghad food and drink and comfort Recreation quiet and good Malaysian hospitality.

صقر كواه Usually the town of Kuah is the access terminal first visitors in Langkawi, it is the main town there, which is located on the south-east of the main island makes it very movement of ferries between the coast of the state's central "Kuala CDA" (or - Kuala mug) and Langkawi. And also the first stop for those coming by air from Kuala Lumpur or other airports that provide airline to and from Langkawi. When you reach the Kuah would not you watch the corresponding characteristic of the islands of Langkawi. The city harbor was built mostly against this artificial beach and not on the scenic beaches of the islands. And you will see in the city of Amran relative density is much higher than what Schhdoh Btaatmh Tjoalkm in these islands and natural spaces. But there are effective in Kuah tourist fundamental irreplaceable: the shops and boutiques market duty-free.

جزيرة بولاو بايار
غروب إستوائي في لانكاوي  

Presence on the beaches in Langkawi will be distinctive on almost any beach you choose. In general can claim that the southern islands frequented by Western tourists over the islands north-east. Although this is a good reason is that the islands southwestern closer to the sea and the sunset on the Sea of ​​Langkawi is nicer experience whenever you closer than its west coast, but for those who love the spirit of adventure and uniqueness paths farther from the line of tourism may find the experience of visiting the northern islands, especially Pulau Anjun a unique experience. It will tour the mangrove islands will see this anyway. But the north-eastern islands of not less beauty and charm of its beaches and nature from the south-western coast, but that the island of Anjun also contain freshwater lake-like Lake Mary pregnant. Though this lake is slightly smaller than Lake Mary pregnant, but no less charming is higher up from the sea surface and deeper into the jungle walk, but this may suit the taste of lovers experience adventurism private. Of course, you must read the last remark as a note for additional islands, beaches, events and tourist activities in Langkawi not need to have an alternative, By the end of the day there is no substitute for a picturesque sunset views in this charming islands.

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